Who Uses Elephant Doc

ElephantDoc For

Business Analysts

  • Create faster, better proposals.
  • Collaborate with project & sales teams.
  • Gather client requirements.

Collaborate for
Winning Proposals

Become part of the Client Discussions, Deliver better.

  • Create Beautiful Proposals

    Sales teams can assign the task of creating a client-specific proposal to business analysts after gathering the desired information from the clients. With inputs from the sales team, business analysts can update the relevant sections of the proposal and invite other team members to collaborate on it. During the later stages of discussions, he can also collaborate with the client or his team members to update the proposals. Newer versions of the proposals can also be created as and when the scope of the proposal is widened with new functionalities, modules etc.

  • Better & Faster Communication

    Data updated on a proposal or other document using the Elephant Doc platform will be automatically available to all others collaborating on the project. The platform not only allows users to work & collaborate on the document with multiple in-house teams but also can engage client teams and request their suggestions, comments as well. Apart from the document collaboration, the users can also send messages between themselves to communicate relevant information.

  • Technical Collaboration

    Elephant Doc’s collaborative environment ensures that different teams working from different parts of the world can collaborate simultaneously. This feature is all the more relevant for sales tasks that involve different teams such as technical, project delivery, testing, on-site resource etc., as it would involve a lot of documentation and updates back and forth. ElephantDoc also permits teams to work offline and share information with other members as soon as they go online. This allows them to work at their convenience and hence become more productive and produce winning proposals.

  • Client Perspective

    The inability of the technical teams to participate in the early stages of a sales discussions leads to undue delays in delivery or straining effort on the technical team in meeting strict timelines. There would also be cases of miscommunication or misinterpretation of client requirements which could create an extra burden on the technical team to provide services or products that may never have been their forte. Proposal creators or Business analysts can ensure that relevant technical members are proactively updated on the client requirements and seek their collaboration on the document so that all parties are privy to relevant information required during the implementation & delivery stages.


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