Who Uses Elephant Doc

ElephantDoc For


  • Be apprised of revenue & sales in real time.
  • View real-time interactions & activity summary across the organization.
  • Assess immediate revenue forecasts.
  • Get insights on closures based on past interaction patterns.

Coordinate workflow with better insights.

Real-time access to every relevant business data that a CXO requires.

  • Knowledgebase on Sales process

    Elephant Doc has all the information on the last mile sales process happening in an organization. This can be used by a CXO to serve as a knowledge base for his organization. Elephant Doc allows the CXO to view all proposals and related communications with the clients at any time. These proposals can always be referenced and accessed as a learning material to create better and winning proposals. This knowledge base will also help in creating best practices on follow-ups as well as identify quality response to customer queries.

  • Gather Insights

    The CXO will have all required information from different stakeholders (Clients, Sales teams, Managers, technical teams etc.) available to him every time. Elephant Doc allows him to view all interactions in a detailed timeline format. These interactions are documented proof of how different clients conceive the prospect of doing business with your organization, the queries he has about products or services you provide and the efficiency of your team. These insights can be effectively utilized at making key decisions aimed at improving existing systems to establish best practices & new benchmarks.

  • Understand Actual Sales Position

    Probably the most important information available to a CXO would be the actual sales position or top-line revenue of the business. This info is available real time, so if a sales employee closes a new deal it is auto updated and the revised top-line is available to the CXO. The role-based system will limit the access of information for other users in the organization based on their role & position in the organizational hierarchy.

  • Less Resource Dependency

    As critical and more information is available through the Elephant Doc platform, the CXO’s dependency on other resources will be vastly reduced. The need to constantly call up the sales managers seeking a status update on a lead or seeking the reason of a missed opportunity etc. can effectively be brought down to zero, as the CXO will readily have all such information with him. Also, he can access the vast resources & repository available on Elephant Doc, including templates and previous proposals or documents that have been sent out to a client, for his assessment.

  • Reference Point

    The repository of documents those are stored on a secure Elephant Doc cloud can always be accessed for any reference on future prospects or sales related documentation. This reference database will also enable a CXO to work on his own on new documents similar in nature to previously created documents, proposals, contracts or agreements. Also, it would enable him to counter check the format and contents of a new document with that of a previously structured document.


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